2020 will see Bristol VR Lab host a free, challenge-focused, weekly VR Developer Sessions. Led by BVRL Director Ben Trewhella, the course is open to people over the age of 18 that see themselves as having a future working the in virtual, augmented and/or mixed reality fields, who would like to learn to create software using a game engine (note – this does not just mean games).

The sessions are set to take place every Tuesday evening in Bristol VR Lab between 6pm and 8pm from 18th February, with the final session on 24th March. The intention of the VR Developer Sessions is to give participants a useful learning structure and the opportunity to have someone experienced on-hand once a week who can help to point learners in the right direction for answers and self-teaching.

Participants will be set a development challenge on a weekly basis to take home and complete, with the eventual aim of creating a simple working prototype. Access to the Bristol VR Lab XR equipment will be provided when necessary but participants will be expected to bring along their own laptops.

The sessions will not be specific to Unity or Unreal as such, instead the aim is for attendees to be directed to self-learning using the game engine of their preference. Attendees will be expected to arrive at the first event with Unity or Unreal pre-installed on their laptop ready to go. If attendees do not have access to a laptop, we can provide computers for the weekly sessions, though participants will need to have access to their own computers at home.

If you would like to sign up to the event, please register your interest here or with the button below and we’ll be in touch very soon. If you have any questions with regards to the event please contact Dan Page at [email protected].

Sign up