Name: Adam Da Rocha

Company: Ten Hut Games

Role: Ten Hut Games Operations Manager / Director

Fields: Independent Game Development

Date company founded: 03/07/2012

Company Description: “Ten Hut Games is an award-winning independent game studio based in the U.K. With a decade of experience in game development and Unreal Engine, Ten Hut has shipped three main titles across PC, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Wii U and Nintendo Switch. The games, Q.U.B.E. 1 & 2 and Hue, have been both critically and commercially successful and have each acquired numerous awards. Thanks to an incredibly talented team, Ten Hut represents the creativity of indie developers and the expertise and industry standard quality of Triple A developers.”

Personal Bio: As Operations Manager, Adam led the self-publishing of Q.U.B.E. 2, sequel to the award-winning indie game, Q.U.B.E. He meticulously juggled the marketing, project, events and community management whilst securing new business deals with the likes of Xbox and Amazon. Within a few years, Adam is now a Director at Ten Hut Games and coordinates several businesses and game projects.

Recently, Adam has helped to secure a deal with one of the largest game studios in Europe which enabled Ten Hut to greatly expand the studio with a large team of talented developers and work on an exciting IP.

Twitter: @qubegame

