Name: David Green

Company/Organisation: University of the West of England

Job Title: Research Fellow – ‘Virtual Realities’

Objectives while in Bristol VR Lab: Working as part of the Interdisciplinary project team on ‘Virtual Realities: Immersive Documentary Encounters’ project, I will design and implement research studies into VR non-fiction. This has so far included the co-development of an interactive database of VR non-fiction and will include studies of VR non-fiction audiences and immersive non-fiction media productions.

Background: I am a documentary-maker, computer scientist and researcher. I spent several years at Culture Lab, then Open Lab in Newcastle, UK, where I had several creative, technical and research roles. My PhD (funded by the AHRC Creative Exchange project) explored participation in interactive documentary and was awarded by Newcastle University School of Computer Science in 2016. Since then, I have had postdoctoral roles at Newcastle University, Northumbria University and the University of the West of England exploring topics such as open design, co-creativity, interactive documentary-making and virtual reality. As well as publishing and presenting my research internationally, I am a co-editor of the forthcoming Taylor and Francis HCI journal special issue on ‘Open Design at the Intersection of Making and Manufacturing’, which is due to be published in 2019.

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Twitter: @cinehacker