Name: Shariff Moossun

Company: Aerialview / Tamarin

Job title: Interactive developer, UAV Pilot, MD

Interests: Aerial filming, snowboarding, renovating my old cottage.

Date Company founded: 16th February 2007

Personal bio: Shariff has worked within the digital media industry for 20+ years developing interactive content and delivering experiences across a wide range of technologies, devices & platforms which recently has included webVR content and creating immersive experiences. His company Aerialview work with drones to capture unique perspectives via aerial filming, 360° panos, photogrammetry and 3D mapping/analysis.

Background: I’ve worked within the digital media industry for 20+ years developing interactive content and delivering experiences across a wide range of technologies, devices & platforms for clients such as Vodafone, BBC, Friends of the Earth, UK Government & Warner Bros.

I founded Tamarin back in 1998, an small interactive studio based in Camden where we built 100s of games, educational content and web apps, it was the early days of the web and there was a real buzz, lots of experimentation and pushing boundaries.

In 2008 we moved to the New Forest and I became the Digital Director at onebite, a creative marketing agency where we produced all kinds of digital content – mobile apps, video promos, websites, online apps & social campaigns, always trying to be innovative and original in our thinking and output. I began working with webVR on a few projects just over a year ago which was real an eye-opener, I love it! Amazing potential and feels very much like those early days again…

I’m also a commercial drone pilot. In 2014 I setup Aerialview, a company to provide clients with a unique perspective using aerial filming, photography along with 360° panos and 3D mapping solutions/analysis, it’s an industry that’s really starting to evolve now and ties in nicely with my interactive work.

So, it’s 2018 and I recently left onebite to focus on Aerialview as well as relaunch Tamarin, where we’ll be creating immersive experiences and interactive content.

Twitter/Social Media: @moossun, @aerialviewuk

Email: hello [at]